Welcome back! For my last blog post this year, I have decided to do an overview of my experiences as a high school tennis player. I hope you have enjoyed the posts so far this year.
To start, I’d like to discuss my experiences on the school team. I played all four seasons, although, as I discussed in one of my last posts, my last season was a little different because of Covid-19.
The school team was so fun for me because although I had been playing for many years before then, it was my first time playing with a team. It was also my first time traveling to tournaments with people other than my parents.
Being on the team led to me making my best friends in high school, which I will forever be thankful for. It also helped me grow as a person and a player.
My teammates showed me how supportive a group of people can be for each other and they were always there to encourage me. Now, I always encourage younger players to play on the team when they get to high school because of the great experiences I have had.
Being on the high school team also helped me develop important life skills like time management. During the fall, I had to balance school, team practice, homework, and club tennis almost every day.
Overall, I had a great experience on the school team, and it will be very sad to leave next year.
Next, I’d like to discuss my experiences with club tennis. I play club tennis year-round, even during the school season, and I am still playing now.
Club tennis will always hold a special place in my heart because I have been playing there for so long. The people there are like my second family, and it will be extremely difficult to leave next year.
Playing club tennis has helped me the most to grow as a tennis player. I have been surrounded by incredible coaches and players for several years that have helped me so much.
Having fellow players that were older than me especially helped because I was able to see what they were going through and learn from their experiences.
Playing at the tennis club during school season has sometimes been difficult, because of the time management, but it has always been worth it.
Because of those experiences, I hope to find another tennis club at my new school where I can continue playing.
Overall, I am extremely thankful for my experiences as a club tennis player. I feel as though the experience has helped me grow not only as a player but as a person.
Writing about my favorite sport and one of the best parts of my life has been so rewarding to me. I hope that I have been able to reach tennis players and non-tennis players alike, and inspired or taught someone in some way.
Tennis is a very important part of my life, and I’m so glad I have been able to share it with others. Until next time!